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Spiritually-Informed Organizations & Institutions


Ministry Consulting Workshops

Our workshops are designed to assist ministry leaders in building and sustaining faith ministries for young adults from age 18-35. These workshops are interactive and reflexive and build on a model of communion. Ministry leaders will gain insight into how to curate worship and learning spaces that are inviting and affirming for a diverse group of young adult believers. Interactive workshops can range from 60 -90 minutes.


Preaching Engagements

This service is typically for a 30-45 minute sermon within a worship experience. It can include a message for an entire faith community or it can be targeted towards a particular demographic (e.g., age, gender, leaders). We are also able to provide closing messages for other faith-informed gatherings that include revivals, retreats, or college campus programs.


Men & Masculinities Programming

This service is designed to help young boys and men of color wrestle with topics related to manhood and identity development. Leveraging communal dialogue, participants in the session will learn more about patriarchal masculinity and various strategies that can be helpful in the pursuit of healing-based liberatory masculinities. 

What Our Clients Say

“I really felt that your approach (podcast conversation) to the presentation really made a great impact and was extremely relevant to our youth…You really made an impression on our young people! Thank you for making yourself available. It was truly one of the highlights of the Lock-in!

Deacon Nate Lucas, Director of  Youth Ministry,

Morning Star Baptist Church

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